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Cupón Udemy: Whiteboard Video Creation with VideoScribe

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Create animated whiteboard videos extremely quick and easy!

Whiteboard Video Creation with VideoScribe




Welcome to experience «Whiteboard Video Creation with VideoScribe»In a typical product training session – imagine you’ve made a presentation which you believe, may engage or wow the audience. However, it doesn’t work out at the end of the day. It simply doesn’t. The audience just walks out bleary-eyed, shell-shocked, and bored after a long line of presenters has in-fact bombarded them with PowerPoint slide presentations. This would include your 30 slider presentation on the latest and greatest products, features, functions, or benefits. The audience is lucky if they retain 20% of what was presented after 60 days. This is where whiteboard videos come into action. This mind-blowing and wonderful course teaches you completely on how to grab the audience feel and engage them with creating these style of videos that will ultimately create an impact in people’s minds and capture them at the same time. We will look at a few whiteboard creation tools like videoscribe and animjoy that will help you make great videos at the fastest time possible – thanks to even artificial intelligence technology at the end of the day. This can make it happen !! This concept is in-fact termed as «Visual Storytelling» by experts.If you have the creativity and guts to become the best whiteboard animation creation on the planet – then this course is for You !! If you have the interest and the passion to achieve and show something great to everyone – then this course is for You !!After all, whiteboard videos are the most engaging, the most captivating and are the ones that can create a wow factor anywhere, you take it with you.We will also look at a freelancing platform to help you sell services for others and make videos for your clients too.Enroll now and let’s start rolling. Why wait? Who this course is for:People who want to create animated or whiteboard videos to promote their brandPeople who want to make money online as a freelancer. Please also note that creativity is a must and a required trait in order to create beautiful whiteboard videosSpecial Note: Access to videoscribe software and Animjoy is a must to practice the lessons taught from the course.Who this course is for:Video creators who want to create state-of-the-art whiteboard videos at incredible speedProduction studios who would want to create whiteboard-styled videos for clientsFreelancers who wish to learn this marvellous craft to stand out in the competitive marketAnyone who has an interest to learn whiteboard video creation and production

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