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Cupón Udemy: Optical Character Recognition (OCR) MasterClass in Python

Learn OCR in Python using OpenCV, Pytesseract, Pillow and Machine Learning

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) MasterClass in Python




Welcome to Course «Optical Character Recognition (OCR) MasterClass in Python»  Optical character recognition (OCR) technology is a business solution for automating data extraction from printed or written text from a scanned document or image file and then converting the text into a machine-readable form to be used for data processing like editing or searching.BENEFITS OF OCR:Reduce costsAccelerate workflowsAutomate document routing and content processingCentralize and secure data (no fires, break-ins or documents lost in the back vaults)Improve service by ensuring employees have the most up-to-date and accurate informationSome Key Learning Outcomes of this course are:Recognition of text from images using OpenCV and Pytesseract.Learn to work with Image data and manipulate it using Pillow Library in Python.Build Projects like License Plate Detection, Extracting Dates and other important information from images using the concepts discussed in this course.Learn how Machine Learning can be useful in certain OCR problems.This course covers basic fundamentals of Machine Learning required for getting accurate OCR results.Build Machine Learning models with text recognition accuracy of above 90%.You will learn about different image preprocessing techniques such as grayscaling, binarization, erosion, dilation etc… which will help to improve the image quality for better OCR results.Who this course is for:Python developers who are curious about Optical Character Recognition (OCR).People from Data Science and Machine Learning background who want add a new skill of OCR in their resume.Anyone who wants to learn about OCR.

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