An amazing course on building super-computers on cloud using tech tools of the decade

Welcome to experience «Build your own powerful super-computer on cloud».Fasten your harnesses right now, because the era of cloud computing is on the rise. Whether you are a software developer, video editor, or animation artist – you can speed up and automate all your tasks with this giant phenomenon of what we call «Cloud Computing». Surely, they are ready to change the world of PC usage in our everyday lives.In this mind-blowing course created by Digital Marketing Legend «Srinidhi Ranganathan», we will discover some incredible secrets that surround the world of cloud computing & cloud computer altogether. We will look at how you can setup cloud computers to deliver stunning performance for all your business and entertainment needs. The unique solution provided by the cloud computing tools taught in the course takes no space on your hard drive and looks just like your personal device – believe it or not. Of course – you can use all your software or PC or MAC applications 100x faster in the cloud if you learn this secret. These high-performance cloud computing devices can also be used for especially – ML development for building, training and deploying machine learning models. Tens of thousands of individuals, startups and enterprises use these incredible cloud computers taught in this course to iterate faster and collaborate on intelligent, real-time prediction engines.As a bonus, we will also teach you about setting up gaming PC’s in the cloud for powerful games to be played. What’s more? We will even look at installing Android games on your PC or Mac. You can even install iOS on your MAC system using the secretive tools taught in the course. So, why wait? Enroll now. Let’s start booming.Special Note: There is no technical skills or coding skills required to take this course. However, you can opt for a subscription for the tools covered in cloud-computing to set up your virtual PC anytime. Who this course is for:Beginner students who want to learn about cloud-based PC’s or systems2D/3D Animators, Graphic Designers or Media Specialists who want to speed up their production time by using cloud-based tools 50x fasterCEO’s looking to automate or speed up their media production team to accelerate their performance through cloud-based tools providedStartup Enthusiasts who wish to start their own VR (Virtual Reality) or Hologram Offices or venturesGamers who wish to learn about cloud-gaming services to play their games 100x fasterCoders who wish use these super-systems to speed up development, bug-fixing and deploymentAnyone who has an interest or passion to learn about cloud-computers.
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