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Dear Students,This course is designed in such a way that any beginners or freshers or candidates from any domain can learn SAP FICO Configuration, Implementation and End-User Activities pretty easily.If you observe, many faculties are putting more stress on explaining «how to do the configuration» but when you go for an interview, the interviewer will ask you about “why to do” i.e. logic behind configuration.Hence, In this Course i have explained both i.e. «how to do» and «why to do»To explore further ,please check preview videos.Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to learn SAP FICO configuration ,End-user Activities, implementation in detailSAP end Users who want to extend their knowledge by learning configuration to become SAP FICO consultantAny ERP Consultants who want to learn SAP FICO configuration and implementationThis Course is designed to become Successful SAP FICO Consultant with practical understanding of All Typical Business Process in SAP FICO————————————————————————————————This tutorial will be extremely useful for professionals who aspire to learn the ropes of SAP FICO and implement it in practice. It is especially going to help consultants who are mainly responsible for implementing the finance module.** Disclaimer **SAP is a registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and many other countries. I am NOT associated with SAP.Who this course is for:Any beginners or freshersCandidates from any domainSAP End UsersG/L Accountant / ControllerAP AccountantAsset AccountantsAR AccountantOther Finance Users – Accounting Manager/Finance Manager/ControllerCommerce Graduates -FresherAnyone who is interested in the subjectWho this course is for:Every only from any domain
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