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Cupón Udemy: Emotional Intelligence for Software Engineers and Developers

Improve your Emotional Intelligence & Boost your career growth using Success@Work model with effective Practical Tips !

Emotional Intelligence for Software Engineers and Developers




As software developers, we have our image of what it means to be a good developer, and we also have a mental model of the road we started walking when we first entered the field as interns or as junior developers. Most of the time, we research what technical books to read, what courses to watch, which field to go into, web development, mobile development, or something else. The Technology, the tool – we get so involved in this wide array of choices, and so there is something very foundational that we might miss if we don’t pay enough attention and get lost in the technicality.There is a set of skills known as “soft” skills, and that forms the ‘EI’ or ‘Emotional Intelligence’.Emotional intelligence is something everyone has, but which few of us really know how to channel or develop. Many Software Developers wrongly believe it to be a quality they simply don’t possess – and that if they weren’t born with it, it’s something there’s no hope of attaining later in life. But the good news for all of us is that emotional intelligence in general, and empathy in particular, are things we can train ourselves to have more of. More and more employers are looking for coders and Software Developers who have the right set of “soft skills”, such as the ability to work well with a team, to empathize with coworkers and customers, and to de-escalate emotional situations. All of these skills require a high degree of emotional intelligence. What is emotional intelligence, and why is it important? And how can software engineers, coders and programmers develop emotional intelligence before or during their career? You’ll learn the answers to those questions in this course.I assure you that after taking this course you’ll say : I’ve come to understand why I previously avoided certain situations, the roots this had in particular emotions, and the impact all that had on my sense of self-worth.  Getting an insight into what people around me want, and why they do what they do, has become dramatically easier for me. Because I can now understand them better, knowing how other people are probably going to act has become much easier. I’ve begun to find it much simpler to identify and engage in the small pleasures that brighten up my life and make me more productive.  Difficult tasks like engaging in negotiation have come to be things I can take pleasure in. My Development efficiency has increased well, and I am now able to respond well to negative situations like downtime, outages etc.Top Reasons why you should choose this Course :This course is designed keeping in mind the students from all backgrounds – hence we cover everything from basics like EI fundamentals, and gradually progress towards more important topics around EI, seeing some practical tips to improve.This course can be completed over a Weekend.This course covers end to end introduction to EI and guide to be better at it.Useful resources will be shared time and again in the course to keep it updated with new ideas.All Doubts will be answered.Most Importantly, Guidance is offered in detail regarding the smallest of things that matters ! You will not only learn the process to improve your EI, but important principles – that will help you understand this crucial skill and help become more efficient in your current role, and grow faster !A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course.Who this course is for:Students studying Software EngineeringProfessionals in any domain of Software Engineering – Development, Testing, Management etcProfessionals in Higher Management in Development Teams looking for ways to improve Team’s ProductivityAny professional looking to increase their productivity and efficiency at workHiring Professionals looking for perfect candidate in Software Development team that has good soft skillsSoftware professionals looking for promotion at work and increase in pay.Anybody in any domain or department in Engineering Teams.

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