Learn how to deploy, automate, secure and architect cloud applications with Microsoft Azure cloud platform.

Important notice: The current version of this course is a preview, thus it is not yet complete. However more modules will be added each week.
Microsoft Azure cloud is a cloud platform for deploying enterprise applications. It have very rich set of services organized around categories like
- PaaS (Azure App Service,
- fully managed database services like Azure SQL Database for SQL Server, for Postgres, and even no SQL database like Cosmos DB),
- IaaS (like virtual machines…),
- CaaS (like Web App for containers, ACI, ACR, Container Apps, Azure Kubernetes Service AKS, ACR) and Serverless (like Azure Functions, Logic Apps…).
- Course intro
- What is the cloud
- Create a subscription
- Azure portal
- Tour of the portal
- Azure subscription (RBAC, cost)
- Azure App Service & Plan
- IntroductionDemo: Create Web AppDeploy .NET 6.0 Web App using VS CodeAzure CLIIaC with ARM templatesIaC with Azure BicepIaC with TerraformCost of Azure servicesCost managementFinOps for cloudDevOps for AzureDevOps with Azure PipelinesDevOps with Github ActionsContainer servicesWeb App for containersACIContainer appsAKSACRStorage servicesStorage accountSQL Server & DatabaseCosmos DBMySQLPostgresCompute servicesVirtual machineNetwork servicesVNET & SubnetLoad BalancerTraffic ManagerFront DoorApplication GatewaySecurity ServicesKey VaultDefender for CloudDDOS protectionAzure FirewallAzure ArcArc enabled for ServersArc enabled for KubernetesArc enabled for DatabaseGovernanceMannagement groupSubscriptionResource groupAuthN & AuthZ with Azure AD & RBACIntro to Azure ADService PrincipalManaged IdentityAzure AD users & groupsAssign rolesCustom rolesCloud Adoption Framework (CAF) & Landing ZoneResourcesArchitecture center
- Who this course is for:
- Beginner Cloud and DevOps engineers
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