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Cupón Udemy: Broad Scope Bug Bounties From Scratch

Finally learn what to do after recon

Broad Scope Bug Bounties From Scratch




Who am i?I am The XSS Rat, also known as Wesley. I created infosec tutorials and courses in a unique way. It’s my opinion that a teacher should be able to bring knowledge in an inspirational way but also make sure that knowledge is retained. This is a very unique challenge requiring out of the box thinking. My courses never just consist of a video or video + PDF only format. Courses should be interactive and not just boring reads of powerpoint slides.Who is this course for?Are you tired of seeing all these bug bounty methodologies that stop after the recon phase or give some general advice like look for vulnerable software on exploit-db? I am sick of it as well and in this course i guide a bug bounty hunter to a broad scope bug bounty hunter with a serious tool belt. This course is made for hackers and developers who have the ultimate goal of automating their workflow.Contents- A video and PDF covering every topic required in broad scope bug bounties- 2 learning paths to facilitate all types of hackers. You can go one way and come back to the other later on- A list of extras such as a list of tools and a better way to perform directory brute forcingWho this course is for:Bounty hunters that don’t know what to do after reconBounty hunters that want to explore broad scope targetsDevelopers automating their security testingAnyone with an interest in broad scope targets

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