Boost your Data Science Career by developing these crucial Non Technical Skills & become a Successful Data Scientist

Most data science training focuses only on key technologies like Python, R, ML etc. But real-world data science jobs require more than just technical acumen. As IT professionals rush to upgrade their current skill-set and become career ready in the field of data science, most of them forget the other part of skill development — Non-technical skills.These skills won’t require as much technical training or formal certification, but they’re foundational to the rigorous application of data science to business problems. Even the most technically skilled data scientist needs to have these soft skills to thrive today.This easy to follow course is created for recent Data Science graduates, beginners, new hires, Working Data Professionals, or any employee looking to boost their skills at the office and in the global workplace. I am sure these will help you to develop effective work habits that will help you succeed at your job, create a healthy work/life balance, and have a better understanding of your own personal strengths and how you work best. These nontechnical skills can help you convert your first data science job into a successful, lifelong career.By the end of this course you will be able to:Develop some crucial Non Technical skills, professional presence, and confidence in the workplace.Become a more effective communicator in the work environment.Ask better questions and increase your ability to come up with more and better ideas around how to effectively use data in any project.Evaluate your personal strengths (and weakness), and understand how those are best used at the individual and team levels when working in any Data Science Project.Create clear, specific, and actionable goals to improve your confidence at workplace.These Non Technical skills are those skills that get you hired, keep you focused, and help you survive and integrate into your global workplace community. Practicing and developing these skills will help separate you from the crowd of job applicants and scientists as the field grows.A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course.Who this course is for:Data Science ProfessionalsProfessionals / Students planning to be a Data ScientistAll Working Professionals who want to improve their efficiency at workHiring Managers looking for Data ScientistsAny Individual in any Job Profile
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