Learn how to grow with collaborative intelligence and AI as a creative profesional!

In the last few years after and during the pandemic, the world has changed! Innovation has taken a leap as the world thrives and tools to better assist us to grow!But how does this affect you and your job as a creative? Does the rise of AI act as an obstacle or an opportunity for you? How do you prepare and embrace change? Join this masterclass to learn how to grow and prepare yourself for change! Here are a few things we will be covering in this course!The current challenges with the Rise of AIHow to prepare for it?How to use AI instead of fighting it!How it is a better tool than a threat!How to grow with it!How to outgrow the iterative mindset?The hurdles it provides.Why you should collaborate rather than compete?How to grow together?How to be comfortable with change?How to prepare yourself for the changing world?How to move from within?How to grow as an individual?How to be more productive?How AI can help you?The possibilities of the world we live in?Tools to better assist your growth!A Freebie and so much more!I am your host Arcui Usoara! And I will see you in the course!Who this course is for:Creatives, Freelancers, Designers, Content Writers, Graphic Designers, Brand Strategists, Founders, Students, Brand Designer.Young Entrepreneurs
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