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Cupón Udemy: Linux Command Line

Master the Command Line

Linux Command Line




The Linux command line is not so simple. It has a steep learning curve. And I hope to help you avoid that by giving you the power of Linux by pressing a few keys. What will you gain? A much better productivity, less time spent with the mouse and a better user experience overall.This is a beginners course that teaches you all the commands you need to know when working with Linux. The shell is a program that takes commands from the user, processes them, and sends them to the operating system kernel. Shell command can be used at the terminal or in scripts.The command line isn’t a relic: even in the twenty-first century, it’s a powerful tool for anyone who uses their computer for more than just checking email.  With the command line you can browse the file system, interact with other computers, and much much more. Any server you will use, will have a command line interface (SSH).  On top of that, Linux is often used for development and ethical hacking. It is a must-have skill for any Software Developer, Cyber Security exert, Ethical Hacker, Sysadmin etc.If you never used Linux before and want to learn the command line, this course is for you. It teaches you the basics of the Linux command line.Who this course is for:Beginner Ethical HackersSoftware DevelopersSysadmins

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