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The Certified Business Analysis Professional™ (CBAP ®) designation is a professional certification for individuals with extensive business analysis (BA) experience. CBAP ® recipients are the leading, senior members of the BA community.CBAP Competencies:Is CBAP right for you? The CBAP certification is for:Individuals with significant experience in business analysisIndividuals with a CCBA™ designationProduct ManagersNon-BA consultantsTrainersHybrid Business Analysis professionals, including: Project Manager, Testers, Quality Assurance (QA) professionals, Change/Transformation Managers, and DesignersIIBA CBAP Body of Knowledge and exam domains:Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring 14%Elicitation and Collaboration 12%Requirements Life Cycle Management 15%Strategy Analysis 15%Requirements Analysis and Design Definition 30%Solution Evaluation 14%The CBAP exam consists of 120 multiple choice questions and must be completed within 3.5 hours. Formulated from the BABOK® Guide, exam questions are both scenario and case study-based.In the CBAP exam preparation course, you’ll be challenged with 480 CBAP practice exam questions. These question have been written to emulate the CBAP exam and are based on the International Institute of Business Analysis.CCBA Practice TestTotal 485 Questions: Multiple Choice 3 Hours and half70% passing scoreAbout IIBA Certification of Capability in Business Analysis (CCBA):Certification of Capability in Business Analysis (CCBA) recognizes BA practitioner who are result oriented and who actually perform the business analysis work. These individuals may or may not have official title as business analysts but have experience and skills to perform business analysis work.This level has prerequisite of 2 to 3 years of experience in business analysis.This level will test applicant’s knowledge as well as experience in business analysis in form of a scenario based exam. The situation based questions are designed to test competencies and ability to apply experience in a given situation to choose the best course of action. These are practical questions that will test what a BA performs on a daily basis to validate business analysis experience. This level requires periodic re-certification.Who this course is for:Any one and any student who want to learn and get certified on IIBA CBAP
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