Learn How To Channel, Chant, Throat Sing, & More!

We invite you to join this course by Curandero Rev. Gabriel Castillo who was initiated by a Taino elder who goes by Don Hongo (author of ‘The Mushroom Speaks’)In this course, you will be supplied with channeled chants & medicine prayers to aid you on your journey. These were all recorded for your use and benefit. Shamanic Channeling, Chanting, Humming, & Throat Singing comes with powerful sounds & mantras that will allow you to journey further within yourself. It will also provide you the tools to channel & use your voice to help people heal. The more you sit with this course, the better you will become at facilitating ceremonies through your chanting & humming. This is one of the main essentials for anyone on the path to becoming a shaman. This is not something that is learned, but instead a developed skill. Invest in this course & step into the powerful channel you were meant to be. Don’t overlook this important skill that only true medicine peoples develop. Your voice is magic & the ultimate messenger of medicine.This course & compilation of chants include:- Using chants to heal- Shamanic chanting for journeying- Channeled chants for awakening & healing self- Channeled chants & humming for protection- Hours of chanting recordings for memorization & inspiration- Hours of downloadable material to listen to at your convenience The goal of this course is to aid you in bringing out your inner healer! if you are on the path of a shaman then this course is a must for you! Move from the theory into practice!! Your journey awaits.Earn your certificate & prove you are able to perform ceremonial chants & more!Who this course is for:Anyone who feels under attack emotionally or physicallyAnyone who is on the path of becoming shamanAnyone on the path of becoming a medicine personStudents will learn the Shamanic Prayers & Medicine WhispersUsing voice & chants to initiate change on the physical levelAny esoteric healer who wants to develop more healing energy behind their voice!Anyone who wants to open the throat chakra!Holistic healers who want to add chanting to their practice!
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