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Cupón Udemy: Data structure and algorithms for interviews

Ace your Tech Interviews

Data structure and algorithms for interviews




Covers around 20+ most popular coding interview problems ranging from a variety of topics   ( will have 200+ problems as 4 problems are being added every week) Merge IntervalsIdea of Merge Intervals Merge IntervalsIntervals Intersection ( coming soon) Conflicting Appointments ( coming soon) Two PointersIdea of Two pointers and types of two pointers solutionsTwo SumRemove Duplicates from Sorted Array3 Sum Pair with Target Sum  ( coming soon) Squaring a Sorted Array  ( coming soon) Triplet Sum to Zero   ( coming soon) Triplet Sum Close to Target   ( coming soon) Triplets with Smaller Sum   ( coming soon) Subarrays with Product Less than a Target  ( coming soon) Dutch National Flag Problem  ( coming soon) Fast & Slow PointersLinked List Cycle using Floyd’s Cycle Detection AlgorithmHappy NumbersUgly number  ( coming soon) Middle of the LinkedList ( coming soon) LinkedList Cycle  ( coming soon) Start of LinkedList Cycle ( coming soon) Bitwise ManipulationSingle Numbers  Flipping an Image Single Number II ( coming soon) Single Number III ( coming soon) Greedy TechniqueWhat are Greedy Algorithms ?BulbsHighest ProductDisjoint Sets Largest Permutation ( coming soon) Meeting rooms ( coming soon) Distribute Candy ( coming soon) Seats ( coming soon) Assign Mice to Holes ( coming soon) Majority Element ( coming soon) Gas Station ( coming soon) Island PatternsIntro to MatrixNumber of Islands ExplanationNumber of Islands CodeNumber of distinct Islands ExplanationNumber of distinct island codingCount sub islands    Max Area of an island   ( coming soon) Island Perimeter  ( coming soon) Flood fill  ( coming soon) Wall and Fates   ( coming soon) Minesweeper   ( coming soon) Surrounded Regions   ( coming soon) Find all groups of a farm land   ( coming soon) Graphs Introduction to Graph Problems  Topological SortKahn’s AlgorithmUpcoming Additions  (3-4 problems are added every week)Sliding Window Easy Maximum Sum Subarray of Size K Smallest Subarray With a Greater Sum Medium Longest Substring with maximum K Distinct Characters  Fruits into Baskets HardLongest Substring with Distinct Characters Longest Substring with Same Letters after Replacement Longest Subarray with Ones after Replacement ArraysMedium Group AnagramsHardTrapping Rain WaterMerge IntervalsMedium Intervals Intersection Conflicting Appointments Linked ListEasyReverse a Linked List Medium Reverse a sub list Reverse a k-element sub list Two HeapsMedium Find the median of a number streamHardMaximum CapitalSliding Window Median  Top k elementsEasyTop ‘K’ Numbers Kth Smallest Number ‘K’ Closest Points to the Origin Connect Ropes MediumTop ‘K’ Frequent Numbers Frequency Sort Kth Largest Number in a Stream ‘K’ Closest Numbers Maximum Distinct Elements Sum of Elements HardRearrange String K-way mergeBinary SearchBacktracking1D Dynamic programing 2D Dynamic programing Cyclic SortTopological SortStacksQueuesDepth First SearchBreadth First Search TrieHash MapsMath TricksMiscellaneousWho this course is for:Software Engineers who want to ace coding interviews in top tech firms

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