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Cupón Udemy: Master Course in Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points

HACCP, HARPC, Critical Control Points, Food safety, ISO 22000, Good Manufacuring Practice (GMP), HACCP Training

Master Course in Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points





Master course in HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) : An HACCP management system involves analyzing and controlling biological, chemical, and physical hazards at every stage, from raw material production to manufacturing, distribution, and consumption.

The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) method is an internationally recognized way to identify and manage food safety risks. When it’s part of a food safety program, it’s an assurance to customers, regulators, and the public that you’re doing it right.

From raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution, and consumption, HACCP addresses food safety by analyzing and controlling biological, chemical, and physical hazards.

Most of the world’s most reputable manufacturers and vendors use the system to manage food safety and comply with audits.

Implementing a HACCP-based food safety management system consists of three stages. The Preparatory Stage lays the groundwork for the two main stages of HACCP itself, Hazard Analysis and Monitoring and Verification.

Using HACCP procedures, businesses can control food safety throughout the process, from ingredients, production, storage, and distribution to sale and service to the end-user.

I would like to teach 5 major topics in this master’s course.

1. Introduction and Importance of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)

2. Steps, Stages and Principles of HACCP

3. Categories, Regulations, Benefits of HACCP

4. Critical control points and the 3Cs in Food Safety

5. Food safety hazards, and how to become a food safety consultant?

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