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Cupón Udemy: Android Malware Analysis

Analyse any Android app

Android Malware Analysis





Malware is a significant problem and threat. With hundreds of apps available. How can you know if apps you install are safe? Most people have no idea. In fact, that is why malware is such a big problem. Advanced malware may even hide from the anti-virus software.

This course teaches you the basics of Android Malware Analysis. You’ll be able to check any Android app for malicious activity. You’ll be able to see which countries the app connects to, what permissions it has and much more.

It’s a beginners course and you don’t need any prior knowledge. Not even Kali Linux is required to start with this course. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to analyse an Android app and tell if it is likely malicious or not. Even existing apps can be tampered with, that look and behave exactly the same as the vendors app – except that malware has been added on top of it.

If you are an Android user and want to check apps, or a Cyber Security professional or a beginner Ethical Hacker, this course is for you!

The course doesn’t require any advanced programming knowledge nor hacking knowledge. It is really aimed towards beginners but even as a professional it might be useful.

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