Learn to automate tasks using PHP by building your own Automatic Image Downloader tool

Welcome to this course , this course assumes you have no prior knowledge of using PHP for making automation tools . By the end of this course you’ll be able to use selenium with PHP and make your own automation tool. You will also be able to make use of PHP CLI in an effective way in your future PHP tools/projects . You will have much knowledge to automate the basics tasks using PHP and Selenium .
This course gives you practical knowledge on making your own automation tool using PHP and Selenium , basically Selenium is used for testing purpose but in this course we are using Selenium to make an automation tool for downloading images automatically i.e., Automatic Image Downloader .
We will start with setting up our working environment by downloading all the required softwares . Then you will have some tutorials on using PHP with Selenium and its different methods . We will see how to make PHP coordination with Selenium using PHP bindings for Selenium .
This course is divided in number of sections each section contains detailed tutorials which will helps you in making the automation tool .By the end of this course you will have a intermediate understanding of how to use Selenium with PHP using its bindings .
A pc with internet connection
No prior knowledge of automation is requried
What is included in this course
Covered in this course
Setup PHP in your computer system
Enabling important PHP extensions
Downloading PHP bindings for Selenium
Downloading Selenium Server and chromedriver
What is Selenium webdriver and what are its different methods
Connecting PHP with Selenium Server and chromedriver
Building a basic automatic color palatte generator tool
Building Automatic Image Downloader from scratch
Outcome of this course
You will be able to make effective use PHP CLI in your future projects
You will be able to make effective use of Selenium and PHP
you will have knowledge to automate the basic tasks using PHP
Who is this course for
Students who wants to get deeper into PHP
Students who want to make a wonderful automation project with PHP
Students who wants to learn PHP CLI
Students who want to get a basic understanding of Selenium
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