Exam-oriented Skills to Improve in Unique Smart Way! edition 2023 考题精讲及阅读技巧

Nearly 15 months after the release of the «Standard», HSK 7-9 was held for the first time in the world on November 26, 2022. There are 41 questions in total for HSK 7-9, which comprehensively test candidates’ five language skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. The test paper is divided into five parts: listening, reading, writing, translation and speaking. Based on our more than 20 years of experience in teaching Chinese as a foreign language and developing courses, we made a brief analysis of HSK 7-9 in the first place.
We will give detail explanations on the HSK 7-9 examination structure, the question format, topics areas etc.
Here are partial of the «Standard»
Approved by the National Language Commission’s Language Standardization and Standards Review Committee, the «International Chinese Education Chinese Level Standards» (GF0025-2021) (hereinafter referred to as «Standards») was recently released by the Ministry of Education and the National Language Working Committee as the language of the National Language Commission The text specification will be formally implemented on July 1, 2021.
The «Standard» divides learners’ Chinese proficiency into «three grades and nine levels», and uses the four basic elements of syllables, Chinese characters, vocabulary, and grammar to form a «four-dimensional benchmark», which is formed by verbal communication skills, topic task content and language quantitative indicators Three evaluation dimensions, with Chinese listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation as the five language skills, so as to accurately calibrate the learner’s Chinese proficiency.
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