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Udemy Gratis: 8 Beautiful Ruby on Rails Apps in 30 Days & TDD – Immersive – Udemy Free

Lookalikes of Instagram, Tumblr, TaskRabbit, etc, w/ fundamentals of Rails (no Scaffolding).

8 Beautiful Ruby on Rails Apps in 30 Days & TDD – Immersive




Build your Rails portfolio with 8 super cool web applications in Ruby on Rails. Use it to begin seeking jobs as proof of what you can do, or feel confident to launch projects.

I know the frustration of learning how to code. Trust me. I’ve been there.

But how did I go from «aspiring developer» to winning hackathons with 150 people and building web applications for a living? Simple. I learned by doing. By building different applications over and over again.

«Spent over £2k on a Rails course and it wasn’t half as good as what this course is offering for free. Ta » – Lyndon Joseph

“This class was simply amazing. I learned a lot and I know how to code now! I’m excited to put in the work to master the new skills I’ve learned. Thank you.” – Montalis Anglade

The 8 app in 30 days course is THE most comprehensive crash course you’ll find in Ruby on Rails, styling/design, and best-practices — or your money back. You can begin with zero skills and become a fee-earning Rails developer in just 30 days.

Zero-to-launch 8 TIMES as you code and own:

It gets even better!

Enter to win a the super popular Sublime Text License Giveaway!

Sublime Text Editor

Worth ~$70!

«Completely hands-on, no-nonsense, Do-It-Yourself Approach adopted from start to finish. This is not just another Ruby on Rails course, its much better than that. Thanks for putting so much into this course, you’re the man! » – Osazeme Usen

The best way to absorb unfamiliar concepts is to begin with the large picture in mind and work down to details. This course has been designed to show you new concepts (variables, loops, conditionals, gems, e.t.c.) ONLY AS YOU APPLY THEM and NEVER in theory.

~20 Hours spread over 30 days of clear coding instruction where we will delve into the full process of zero-to-launch!

Chinese Proverb: «I listen, I forget; I see, I remember; I do, I learn!»

What else?

I will never leave you hanging!

It doesn’t matter how old you are or what you do professionally. I guarantee that ANYONE can benefit from this course, whether it’s earning a bit of extra cash on the side, changing career altogether or just the freedom to bring ideas to life.

More from former students have this to say:

“Good clear instruction. There are materials floating around online, but Yonathan has put them together in an order that makes sense.” – Jonathan Grove

“Yonathan’s tutorial and style of teaching is really relaxed and to the point. A lot of rails tutorials out there either show you too much or too little. His tutorial was the right mix – focusing on getting stuff up and running really quick.” – Manuel Da Costa

This course is both for students who have no experience in programming at all and also for students who have tried Ruby on Rails in the past but want to take their skills to the next level.

Para más cursos Gratis y para ver los que siguen así visita nuestra aplicación web UFree.

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