A leadership guide for managers and aspiring managers.

«A MANAGER’S GUIDE: Successful Leadership» will help students understand important leadership concepts. It will help students improve their competence in leadership roles.
Business leaders are often concerned about the quality of the leaders within their organization. They are concerned about leadership effectiveness at all levels within their organization. These executives are often involved in the recruitment of the next great talent to lead within their organization, or they are involved in setting up the required training for the development of internal leadership talent. Leadership talent is a highly sought after skill. Effective organizations require leadership talent. Even though there is such demand for this type of skill, most professionals focus mostly on their particular area of expertise and forget to study leadership. This course aims to address the need for leadership talent within the organization. The course will help students understand important leadership concepts. It will help students improve their competence in leadership roles. It will help students to prepare for and to succeed in team lead, management, or executive roles.
This course is divided up into five sections: introduction to the course and to the management profession, leadership defined, leadership types, leadership power and leadership techniques.These five sections will provide both theoretical and practical insights, which are applicable to the leadership role.
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