Design and Create attaractive Data Visualization for Decision making using Popular Python Library Matplotlib and Plotly

Currently, Data Visualizations is a very important tool that deals with the graphical representation of the data. It is a very effective way of communication in decision making, advertisement, data analysis, Machine Learning and Data Science. And some of the python libraries like matplotlib and plotly are very popular for data visualization. Also, it is very important to get the knowledge that, what kind of graphs or charts we use to represent the data. After completing this course, you can able to design different types of graphs and charts very easily.
Important Feature of this course is as follows:
Here we cover 2D as well as 3D Graphs and Charts.
This course can be done by Business and Managements people also
Every topic is covered practically.
Explained in very easy language.
Non-Programming background can also understand easily.
Each Graph and Chart is demonstrated in a simple way so that you can do the same by watching videos.
Topics Covered in Matplotlib:
1. Importance of Data Visualization
2. Type of Data Visualization
3. Concepts of matplotlib Library
4. Line Plotting
5. Histogram
6. Bar Plot
7. Scatter Plot
8. Pie Chart
9. Box Plot
10. Area Chart
11. Violene Chart
Topics Covered in Plotly :
Setup the environment for plotly
Line Plotting (2D and 3D)
Bar Plot
Scatter Plot
Pie Chart
Box Plot
Area Chart
Violene Chart
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