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Cupón Udemy: Essential Guide to Python Pandas – Udemy Coupon

A Python Pandas crash course to teach you all the essentials to get started with data analytics

Essential Guide to Python Pandas




elcome to our Pandas crash course! This course is designed to provide you with a practical guide to using Pandas, the popular data manipulation library in Python. We’ve included real-life examples and reusable code snippets to help you quickly apply what you learn to your own data analysis projects.

Throughout this course, you will learn how to:

Describe the Anatomy of Pandas Data Structures. This includes Pandas DataFrames, Series, and Indices.

Implement several methods to get data into and from Pandas DataFrames. These methods include Python Native Data Structures,  Tabular data files, API queries and JSON format, web scraping, and more.

Describe any information within a Pandas DataFrame. This will help you to identify data problems such as having missing values or using incorrect data types.

Understand Pandas Data Types and the correct use case for each type.

Perform Data manipulation and cleaning. This part includes fixing data types, handling missing values, removing duplicate records, and many more.

Merge & Join multiple datasets into Pandas DataFrames

Perform Data Summarization & Aggregation within any DataFrame

Create different types of Data Visualization

Update Pandas Styling Settings

Conduct a Data Analysis Project using Pandas library to collect and investigate COVID-19 infection, and the consequent lockdown in different countries.

In addition to the course materials, you’ll also have free access to a Jupyter Notebook with all of the code examples covered in this course, as well as a free e-book in PDF format. By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use Pandas to perform data manipulation tasks and analyze data.

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