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Cupón Udemy: Ethics of Research-A Basic Course – Udemy Coupon

Human Rights Perspective

Ethics of Research-A Basic Course




Research ethics is vital when conducting research with people. Non ethical research may put research subjects at risk and even jeopardies the validity of the findings. As we undertake more and more research using increasingly diverse methods like the internet, it is important to get it right the first time.

On this course, you will learn the principles of ethical research, and how to manage human subject research in sensitive and appropriate ways. You will consider issues like gaining consent, making sure that personal information is handled safely, and recruiting vulnerable participants.

This course is useful for learners undertaking research with people using social research methods such as questionnaires, interviews etc.

The course is essential for undergraduate students completing research for their final year project but it is also suitable for postgraduates and academic researchers.

The main objectives of the course will be:

Research ethics: why it matters

Recruiting your participants for your research and getting their consent

What to consider if you are recruiting vulnerable participants

Could your research put you or your participants at risk of harm?

Storing personal data

Archival and internet research

Academic honesty, integrity and research ethics are underlying tenets for conducting qualitative research. Academic integrity entails honesty, ethics, transparency, accountability, trust in academic and research endeavours. All the research scholars and faculty members must be honest and sincere while executing academic and research activities. While following and understanding the existing research, the originality of the work conducted by the researcher has to be established in order to justify one’s own creative content in the research reports that could be in the form of an article, dissertation or thesis. It is imperative to use some of the previously published content while writing an article with proper citations and references. It is, therefore, important to understand and learn how to ethically write an article to avoid the plagiarism issues while writing research publications. Even students at the graduate level and post graduate level should be made available with the ethical issues, conduct of research, Academic Integrity, Academic/Research Misconduct, use of proper citation styles, use of reference management tools, abstaining from fabrication, falsification, manipulation or tempering of data, avoid unethical practices, understanding plagiarism, How to Avoid Plagiarism, Reference Management Tools, Writing and Checking Tools, How to Cite Sources Properly, Types of Plagiarism, How to Detect Plagiarism, Popular Plagiarism Detection Software, Use of Plagiarism Detection Software, Features and Functionalities of popular antiplagiarism software, Policy Guidelines for Handling Plagiarism in Institutions, Provide Training and Tools for Reference Management and academic Writing Skills, etc.

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