teaching kids English step by step

Dear parents
as parents teachers we are responsible for improving our kids skills
there is no doubt that the preschool is the most significant and enriched education stage
it occupies an important position across education
meanwhile it constitute the solid basis of all other stages
as well as the bridge through which children pass from limitted world of house to preschool atmosphere
including subjects,programmes and social relationships
preschool should satisfy different needs of children including mental,social ,linguistics,all in interesting way
It is pleasure to introduce the first level of very easy English
in simple way my aim is to develop listening speaking reading and writing skills for the children
in this first level
I introduce letters to kids
letters flash cards
practice writing letters
simple conversations
what is your name ?my name is——
let us go to the zoo
My body let us play a game
touch your nose
touch your hair
touch your eyes
touch your ears
In my class
In class I find chairs Desk Board pen pencil
pencil cases compass calculators
In class teacher says stand up sit down
open your book close your book
open your bag close your bag
principles of hand writing with worksheets to practice writing
simple phonetics
how can we pronounce letters game letters
preschool phonic CA sound
preschool phonic o sound
preschool phonic xyz sound
preschool phonic QK sound
preschool phonic KL sound
preschool phonic Au sound
preschool phonic B sound
preschool phonic E L sound
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