2 Sample exam papers – Do them exactly within the time limit to guage your prep for the Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071 exam

If you are looking for a practice test for the Oracle Database SQL Exam Number: 1Z0-071, then you are at the right place.
This is a set of two practice tests, based on the same format as the actual test. To make the most out of these tests, the following settings are recommended:
Try to setup an exam-like environment – find a place with good network connectivity where you can work without distractions for 2 hours
Set the timer – do the practice test in exactly 2 hours i.e. the same duration that you get in the actual exam
Give one test and analyze your performance – Find out what type of questions were marked wrong, what type of questions took too long to solve
Revise – based on your analysis, revise the topics and plan which type of questions you will skip to save time
Give the second test
What is Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071 Certification?
Become an Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate and demonstrate understanding of fundamental SQL concepts needed to undertake any database project. Passing the exam illustrates depth of knowledge of SQL and its use when working with the Oracle Database server. Gain a working knowledge of queries , insert, update and delete SQL statements as well as some Data Definition language and Data Control Language, the optimizer, tales and indexes, data modeling and normalization.
What is the format of the Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071 exam?
The exam is multiple choice type with 78 questions. To pass the exam, a candidate must score more than 63% marks. Candidates get 2 hours/ 120 minutes to attempt these questions. You must go through multiple mock exams to familiarize yourself with the exam structure. Most often, you will face questions that have multiple correct answers; or some scenario-based questions.
What is the benefit of Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071 Certification?
By passing this exam, a certified individual proves fluency in and a solid understanding of SQL language, data modeling and using SQL to create and manipulate tables in an Oracle Database. Qualified candidates have knowledge of general computing concepts, knowledge of command line interfaces and experience working in command line.
What is the syllabus of Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071 Certification exam?
Below is the list of topics covered in this exam:
Relational Database concepts
Explaining the theoretical and physical aspects of a relational database
Relating clauses in SQL Select Statement to Components of an ERD
Explaining the relationship between a database and SQL
Retrieving Data using the SQL SELECT Statement
Using Column aliases
Using The SQL SELECT statement
Using concatenation operator, literal character strings, alternative quote operator, and the DISTINCT keyword
Using Arithmetic expressions and NULL values in the SELECT statement
Restricting and Sorting Data
Applying Rules of precedence for operators in an expression
Limiting Rows Returned in a SQL Statement
Using Substitution Variables
Using the DEFINE and VERIFY commands
Sorting Data
Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output
Manipulating strings with character functions in SQL SELECT and WHERE clauses
Performing arithmetic with date data
Manipulating numbers with the ROUND, TRUNC and MOD functions
Manipulating dates with the date function
Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions
Applying the NVL, NULLIF, and COALESCE functions to data
Understanding implicit and explicit data type conversion
Using the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions
Nesting multiple functions
Reporting Aggregated Data Using Group Functions
Restricting Group Results
Creating Groups of Data
Using Group Functions
Displaying Data from Multiple Tables
Using Self-joins
Using Various Types of Joins
Using Non equijoins
Using OUTER joins
Understanding and Using Cartesian Products
Using Subqueries to Solve Queries
Using Single Row Subqueries
Using Multiple Row Subqueries
Update and delete rows using correlated subqueries
Using SET Operators
Matching the SELECT statements
Using the ORDER BY clause in set operations
Using The INTERSECT operator
Using The MINUS operator
Using The UNION and UNION ALL operators
Managing Tables using DML statements
Managing Database Transactions
Controlling transactions
Perform Insert, Update and Delete operations
Performing multi table Inserts
Performing Merge statements
Managing Indexes Synonyms and Sequences
Managing Indexes
Managing Synonyms
Managing Sequences
Use DDL to manage tables and their relationships
Describing and Working with Tables
Describing and Working with Columns and Data Types
Creating tables
Dropping columns and setting column UNUSED
Truncating tables
Creating and using Temporary Tables
Creating and using external tables
Managing Constraints
Managing Views
Managing Views
Controlling User Access
Differentiating system privileges from object privileges
Granting privileges on tables
Distinguishing between granting privileges and roles
Managing Objects with Data Dictionary Views
Using data dictionary views
Managing Data in Different Time Zones
Working with INTERVAL data types
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