Easy. Fast. Free. Block all ads from viewing. Have a choice not to view the ads while surfing.

Hello and welcome!
This course is created to help people liberate from internet commercial ads and create ads-free surfing space without annoying ads and banners!
As time goes, world wide web grows bigger and bigger, bringing human aspiration to monetize internet traffic. There are more and more commercial in web nowadays.
Youtube, Facebook, Gmail, Google search – your favorite places holds your time, attention and memory for ads viewing.
The good thing is that Internet is not TV or Radio so you have a choice to view the ads or not to view.
This short, simple and effective course will help you to block ads on all web resources, for free and for good. There is no difference what browser you use, as it covers all modern browsers (Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari etc).
After this course you will be able to:
And indeed, you don’t risk anything as Udemy provides you with 30 days money-back guarantee!
So roll in and enjoy!
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