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Cupón Udemy: Learn Creative Coding with Vanilla JavaScript – Udemy Coupon

Let’s make art with code and learn object oriented programming with plain vanilla JavaScript in the process

Learn Creative Coding with Vanilla JavaScript




Discover creative coding and go from drawing a single line all the way to complex randomised fractal shapes. Then turn it into a particle system to create ‘fractal rain’ effect. All of that with just plain HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript, no frameworks and no libraries. Today we deep dive into HTML canvas drawing techniques and take it step by step to make sure we understand how everything works.

In Generative art the artist creates a process which is then set into motion with some degree of autonomy resulting in a completed artwork. I like to think about it as a human machine collaboration. Today we are the artists and HTML, CSS and JavaScript is the machine. Make your unique piece of art with me and practice your front end web development skills in the process. I will explain every line of code in detail as we go along.

Class project: Fractal Rain

Skill level: Beginner to Intermediate


1) Object oriented programming – Classes, constructors, encapsulation, abstraction

2) HTML canvas – changing state with translate, scale, rotate, drawing shapes, web animation.

3) Deep learning with vanilla JavaScript, no frameworks, no libraries

This class is not for complete beginners, but if you already know at least the basics of HTML CSS and JavaScript come join me and let me show you how to make the machine help us to create something unique and beautiful. Have fun!

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