Are you ready to explore your self on Microsoft AZ-305!!

The Microsoft AZ-305 course is designed to help IT professionals prepare for the Microsoft AZ-305 certification exam. The course covers the topics and objectives outlined in the certification exam and provides hands-on experience working with various Azure services.
In the course, students will learn how to:
Implement and manage Azure storage solutions, such as Blob storage, File storage, and Queue storage.
Deploy and manage Azure virtual machines, including configuring virtual networks, virtual machine scale sets, and managed disks.
Implement and manage Azure Web Apps, including configuring custom domains, SSL certificates, and deployment slots.
Configure and manage virtual networking, including virtual networks, subnets, network security groups, and load balancers.
Implement Azure Active Directory and configure authentication and authorization for applications and services.
Implement Azure identity services, such as Azure Active Directory B2C and B2B, and configure multi-factor authentication.
Implement Azure Policy to manage and enforce resource governance policies.
Implement and manage Azure monitor to monitor the health and performance of Azure resources.
Implement Azure Site Recovery to provide disaster recovery for applications and services.
Implement Azure Backup to protect and recover data in the cloud.
The course includes hands-on lab exercises, case studies, and other practical assignments to help students gain hands-on experience working with Azure services. By the end of the course, students will have a good understanding of the different Azure services, and the ability to implement, monitor, and maintain them effectively.
The Microsoft AZ-305 exam typically contains 40-60 multiple-choice and case study-style questions. The exact number of questions can vary, as the exam is adaptive, meaning the questions will be chosen based on the individual’s responses to previous questions. The duration of the exam is typically 120 minutes.
The questions on the AZ-305 exam cover the topics outlined in the certification objectives, including implementation and management of Azure storage solutions, virtual machines, web apps, virtual networking, Azure Active Directory, Azure identity services, Azure Policy, Azure monitor, Azure Site Recovery, and Azure Backup.
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