Start writing code and automated tests parallel like commercial Ruby on Rails developer.

After two years of working as a Ruby on Rails developer, I decided to remake my first Ruby on Rails application.
This time I didn’t forget about providing decent test coverage, so you can see how I’m writing specs. You can find a lot of tutorials on how to build different applications quickly, but many are written with any automated tests. Believe me, you don’t write specs for your boss, you write specs for yourself to sleep well while you know that the features you provide are working as expected. If you don’t like specs I’m pretty sure you will change your mind after this course. To be honest I love Ruby on Rails same as RSpec!
I didn’t skip any part when I was looking for solutions using Google or trying to fix bugs I encounter, so you should get a better understanding of how writing Ruby on Rails application looks like in real life.
It’s not always so easy, sometimes looking for the answer takes some time.
Are you ready for the challenge? Ready to become the next RoR & RSpec master? I hope so.
Please check the Course content section to see how many steps this tutorial has to develop the application you can see in Course Preview. These steps are not maybe so well planned as you may see in other tutorials but that’s simply how programming looks like, you can’t plan everything and often you need to improvise and be flexible.
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