Common questions I get asked about Outlook and Email along with easy and simple solutions.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This course responds to questions I have been asked by students.
It is not a traditional training course.
As a corporate productivity speaker and trainer with over 25 years of experience in adult education, this short course covers 10 of the most common questions students ask me about how to make it easier and less stressful to manage the volume of email we receive in business every day!
In this short course we explore:
How to reduce the amount of time you spend on emails
How to get people to respond to your emails
How to better manage emails
Insights into best practices for filing emails
How to better manage the volume of emails we receive in business every day
How to sort the items that don’t require action from the ones that do
Tips on how to better manage your calendar in Microsoft Outlook
How to ignore emails after hours
Shortcuts to easily file emails
Simple tips to start cleaning up your email and keep it clean!
Instead of doing a full day program on Microsoft Outlook or how to manage your email, do yourself a favor and sign up to this course.
All it takes is one single tip, idea or insight that could save you hours of stress and frustration when dealing with Microsoft Outlook and managing your email. After all technology was invented to help you work smarter and not harder!
PLEASE NOTE: This is not a «training» course but rather the answers to questions I am frequently asked by Students about how to better manage Microsoft Outlook and Email.
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