Team Leadership & Effective Team Management

A modern leader is someone who is able to teach, train, coach, build, grow, and let go of their team members if and when the time comes for them to move on.
They are also able to manage effectively by having consistency, integrity and a work system that allows the team to meet customer requirements while having balance in their lives.
This course is intended to cover core concepts and areas of leadership and management that you can leverage for your team if you are a leader or you can get familiar with them if you are looking to move to a leadership role.
Through this course we will cover the following topics:
Organization – Understanding the organization Purpose, Vision, Strategy & Goals
Customers – What role & responsibilities does your team fulfill, who do you serve?
Providers – What teams do you rely on? How do they serve your team?
Leadership – Your Role as a Leader, Vision, Strategy, Values, Organization Alignment
Team – Work System, Working Agreements, Routine
Work – Standards, Scoreboard
Agreements – Customer Agreements, Periodic Check Ins
My hope is by the end of this course you are able to understand how to establish a high-trust, safe, clear, supportive and productive way of working for you and your team allowing you and them to bring out their best selves.
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