Although slow to start manufacturing will be coming on strong, soon

Artificial Intelligence as a Powerful Tool to Improve Manufacturing
Applications of AI are rapidly expanding through all industry sectors. This course focuses on the how AI can improve a manufacturing company’s competitiveness. The course will consist of twelve videos, and represents the base learning everyone should have on artificial intelligence and possible uses in manufacturing – – today.
Welcome to the Leadership Excellence https://theAIengineers/ series. This is an introduction webinar in Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing. We are dedicated to helping manufacturers understand and use artificial intelligence to improve their operations.
George Trachilis and David O’Connor are taking on this challenge because, although AI in manufacturing is moving ahead quickly, in parts of our industry, in others it is not. We see this as a call to action to provide education to take the mystery out of AI and provide practical ways to use it.
AI can improve machine maintenance, quality, supply chain performance, and shop floor schedules. If you are in manufacturing and are not planning to use AI, you need to get started now.
Our survey questions in this webinar were:
AI in Manufacturing, 18 November 2022
Can you think of an innovation which transformed manufacturing or society as a whole?
Do you work in or own a manufacturing company?
Are you using an AI application in manufacturing or considering one?
What would you like to see in an AI training course?
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