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Cupón Udemy: Introduction to Quantum Computing – Udemy Coupon

Master Quantum Computing and Understand all the Basics of Quantum Computing in just one course

Introduction to Quantum Computing




Understanding what quantum computing is is definitely not an easy task. Indeed, since this is a new science there is a few places where you can find a quality introduction course about this topic. Indeed, usually all the course are either to advanced or simply does not cover properly the topic of quantum computing. But, this course is designed to give you all the basic knowledge about the topic. If you :

– Are a student and want to learn about new technologies

– Are interested about this topic but don’t know were to find good resources about it

– Want to know how to work with different tools used for quantum computing

– Simply curious about the topic and you want to learn more about it

Then this course is definitely for you and you will love it. Not only you will learn different theoretical concepts that are really useful in quantum computing but you will also use different tools to practice everything that you have learned. Finally, you will not only have an introduction to the topic but also to Microsoft Q the programming language used for quantum computing.

The structure of the course

The way this course is designed will help learn all the concepts that you need to be able to understand the basics of Quantum Computing. Indeed, you will at first learn all the basics of mathematics especially linear algebra. Once again, you will not become a specialist in this field but you will at least understand the basic concepts of it that can be useful for your understanding of quantum computing. Then, you will learn what exactly is an algorithm and what is the difference between a quantum algorithm and a classical mathematical algorithm. Also, we are going to cover different quantum algorithms that are also really popular in this field. Finally, you will have an introduction to Microsoft Q. In my opinion this is pretty important to learn because this is the programming language that is used to perform different quantum calculations as well as testing or running different quantum apps.

Also, it’s really important to understand that I created this course on the Principe of learning by practice. This is why even if this course is mostly theoretical, I tried to implement as much practice as possible. This way, when you will have completed this course you will not only be able to understand the basics of what is quantum computing but you will also be able to write basic lines of code and have a basic understanding of different quantum algorithms.

For who is this course designed

This course is created for beginners who have no prior knowledge of what is quantum computing and are interested by the topic. Indeed, you don’t need to be an expert in any field to take this course, everything that is presented in this course is done very simply to help you understand from scratch everything you need to know about this topic. You will be introduced to different quantum algorithms as well as different mathematical notions that will allow to understand a bit more about this topic. So, if you are a student that wishes to learn more about this topic for educational or professional purposes you will definitely enjoy this course. Also, if you are just someone that find this topic interesting and you want to have a basic introduction to it well this course has everything you need. Not only you will understand Quantum computing in a theoretical way but you will also learn to use it in a more practical way.

Why should I take this course

The main reason is that you will be able to understand what exactly is quantum computing and all the concepts linked to it. In other words, you will learn different concepts as well different element that are pretty useful in quantum computing if you want to get more advanced in this field. Also, the course is well structured and made simple this means that you don’t necessary need advanced knowledge in many fields to understand it. So, if you are passionate about quantum computing and want to learn more don’t wait anymore and join the course.

There is no risk involved in taking this course

This course comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, this means that if your are not happy with what you have learned, you have 30 days ​to get a complete refund with no questions asked. Also, if there is any concept that you find complicated or you are just not able to understand, you can directly contact me and it will be my pleasure to support you in your learning.

This means that you can either learn amazing skills that can be very useful in your professional or everyday life or you can simply try the course and if you don’t like it for any reason ask for a refund.

You can’t lose with this type of offer !!

ENROLL NOW and start learning today 🙂

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