Newbee in Excel ? You can quickly become an advanced excel user, best suited for beginners in Excel

Updated for 202 and best suited for Beginners in Excel
You would get to learn the basic concepts that run excel and become efficient at it. This is the most updated course on Excel with the Most recent formulas and Features that matter the most for work-related tasks.
You can be the Excelguy at your workplace and master unknown shortcuts. Yet very powerful in their own terms.
This course will give you a deep understanding of the advanced Excel formulas and functions that transform Excel from a basic spreadsheet program into a dynamic and powerful analytics tool. While most Excel courses focus on simply what each formula does, I teach through animated designs and videos for you to understand the concepts better.
We’ll deep dive into a broad range of Excel formulas & functions, including:
Basic Excel Formulas like Sum(), Average(), Count(), CountA(), Round() etc
Logical operators
What gives me the right to teach this class? Can’t I just Google this stuff?
I carry deep passion and respect for Excel, since 2013, Excel was the first tool I mastered. More than using Excel, I love teaching it, and I have been doing the same for the past 3 years. As the founder of YourExcelGuy and have helped 30000+ students across 140+ countries.
Teaching excel is what I do full-time now. If there’s anything that’s missing in the course or anything that can improve your experience, please let me know and your feedback will be acted upon.
-Kadhir (Founder, YourExcelGuy)
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