Test your Python knowledge with our comprehensive quiz to prepare for PCEP-30-02 or entry-level interviews.

If you’re preparing for the Python PCEP Certified Entry-Level Programmer certification or a junior Python developer interview, taking these practice tests can boost your confidence and help you review Python fundamentals. These tests are fully aligned with the PCEP certification format, including the number and type of questions, time limit, and passing score. This makes them an excellent tool to evaluate your skills before the real exam. Besides assessing your knowledge, the tests also provide explanations for each question, which can help you comprehend the correct answer. However, note that these tests aren’t a comprehensive Python course, and they’re not intended for complete beginners. If you have no coding experience, it’s recommended to first take dedicated PCEP courses on Udemy. Each test in this course consists of 30 questions, and you have 45 minutes to complete it. The passing score is 70%.
What do the Tests consist of?
Understand fundamental terms and definitions
interpreting and the interpreter, compilation and the compiler
lexis, syntax, and semantics
Understand Python’s logic and structure
Introduce literals and variables into code and use different numeral systems
Boolean, integers, floating-point numbers
scientific notation
binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal numeral systems
naming conventions
implementing PEP-8 recommendations
Choose operators and data types adequate to the problem
numeric operators: ** * / % // + –
string operators: * +
assignment and shortcut operators
unary and binary operators
priorities and binding
bitwise operators: ~ & ^ | << >>
Boolean operators: not, and, or
Boolean expressions
relational operators ( == != > >= < <= )
the accuracy of floating-point numbers
type casting
Perform Input/Output console operations
the print() and input() functions
the sep= and end= keyword parameters
the int() and float() functions
Make decisions and branch the flow with the if instruction
conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif, if-elif-else
multiple conditional statements
nesting conditional statements
Perform different types of iterations
the pass instruction
building loops with while, for, range(), and in
iterating through sequences
expanding loops with while-else and for-else
nesting loops and conditional statements
controlling loop execution with break and continue
Collect and process data using lists
constructing vectors
indexing and slicing
the len() function
list methods: append(), insert(), index(), etc.
functions: len(), sorted()
the del instruction
iterating through lists with the for loop
initializing loops
the in and not in operators
list comprehensions
copying and cloning
lists in lists: matrices and cubes
Collect and process data using tuples
tuples: indexing, slicing, building, immutability
tuples vs. lists: similarities and differences
lists inside tuples and tuples inside lists
Collect and process data using dictionaries
dictionaries: building, indexing, adding and removing keys
iterating through dictionaries and their keys and values
checking the existence of keys
methods: keys(), items(), and values()
Operate with strings
constructing strings
indexing, slicing, immutability
escaping using the \ character
quotes and apostrophes inside strings
multi-line strings
basic string functions and methods
Decompose the code using functions
defining and invoking user-defined functions and generators
the return keyword, returning results
the None keyword
Organize interaction between the function and its environment
parameters vs. arguments
positional, keyword, and mixed argument passing
default parameter values
name scopes, name hiding (shadowing), and the global keyword
Python Built-In Exceptions Hierarchy
abstract exceptions
Basics of Python Exception Handling
try-except / the try-except Exception
ordering the except branches
propagating exceptions through function boundaries
delegating responsibility for handling exceptions
Who this course is for:
This course is suitable for individuals who intend to pass the Python PCEP certification.
It is also designed for beginner-level Python developers who want to improve their programming skills.
People who are preparing for junior Python roles can benefit from this course.
This course can be helpful for students who are preparing for basic Python exams.
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