Learn how to script anything on Roblox with this straight-to-the-point, free tutorial series.

Updated for 2022, this is my all-new Lua tutorial. In this easy Roblox scripting tutorial series, you will be given all the tools you need to become a scripting master!
RECOMMENDED PLUGIN: Search «ScriptMate» in the toolbox to install the plugin to Roblox Studio. With the recommended plugin, learn how to code in Lua much quicker by practising your skills alongside the tutorial series!
When I was learning to script years ago, I vividly remember finding a lot of the existing tutorials & resources being too difficult for me to sit through.
I was never able to find anything that just gave me the information I wanted to hear, but I had to learn everything I know today over a long period, through a range of different resources.
As a result, I have attempted to create a straight-to-the-point tutorial series, designed to feature everything you need to get into scripting on Roblox.
Whether you’re brand new to scripting, or looking to improve your skills, the series is designed to be something that everyone can benefit from, without being an unnecessarily difficult experience.
Other Notes:
Some content might seem unnecessary at first, but everything mentioned is an essential part of the learning process, and will heavily affect your ability to write your own scripts if you choose to ignore them.
If you’re using the series as a learning resource, please consider this before skipping anything you don’t understand, or find unimportant!
I completely acknowledge that some of you, notably non-native English speakers, might have difficulty understanding everything due to the speed of the content.
Each tutorial includes fully scripted subtitles, the ability to reduce the playback speed in the video player settings, and the ability to gain experience directly from the plugin content.
If none of this is of interest to you, I would recommend looking into other tutorials on Udemy that you find more suitable. These tutorials are simply to fill, what I feel is a gap in current resources.
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