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Cupón Udemy: Drone Flight Planning 101: Learn To Plan Your Drone Missions – Udemy Coupon

Plan a safe and legal drone mission according to international standards and appropriate drone flight parameters.

Drone Flight Planning 101: Learn To Plan Your Drone Missions




This course is all about planning your drone flights and working with drones!

It teaches about everything that proper flight planning entails; things like how to find legal documents, where to learn about regulations, how to read aeronautical charts, and plenty more. In this course, we dive into everything to do with drone planning that you could possibly imagine, right down to the basics: what drone to use and why.

Some of the various topics that will be looked at include: technical drone information, aviation documentation, air law and legality, airspaces and their protocols, aeronautical charts, risk assessment, emergency response, recommended apps and softwares, and overall basics of flight planning on an international standard.

My name is Josh. I am a CAA licensed drone pilot, and I am a rated drone instructor on top of that. Having worked in the drone industry professionally for over 3 years, and having gone through various training and examination procedures, I know what information is lacking in the industry and I know that it’s the most important information for overall drone operation.

If you want to plan a drone mission safely and efficiently, do this course. If you want to protect yourself and your team from the law, do this course. If you want to prevent drone accidents and even death in some serious cases, do this course. And if you want to mitigate the chances of things going wrong in any way, shape, or form during your drone flight. Do. This. Course. !

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