Powershell for beginners. Learn how to use Pipeline and Work with Objects: Sort, Select, Measure, Convert, Export, etc

This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Powershell and how to manage Windows Server 2016 with its help. The goal is to provide coverage of Powershell Fundamental tasks including topics like Get to Know Powershell. Learn how to use Pipeline and Work with Objects: Sort, Select, Measure, Convert, Export, etc and much more…
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Go ahead and click the button that says «take this course» to begin the process of expanding career opportunities right away!
Real Student Reviews:
★★★★★ “Very well explained and makes the concepts very easy to understand. Many thanks.” – Reina Wilson
★★★★★ “I am really enjoying this class. I am so grateful I found it. Thank you!” – Micel Jhon
★★★★★ “I learned many good things.” – Scott
★★★★★ “It is a structured presentation. Learned a lot from the lectures.” – Hamida
More than 71,000 students from over 150 different nations! This is incredible, and I want to thank everyone who supported me.
The course is targeted to help to automate and script daily tasks. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use PowerShell commands and a Server’s GUI. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently.
A Brief Contents of the Course:
Understanding the Pipeline
Selecting, Sorting, and Measuring Objects
Converting, Exporting, and Importing Objects
Filtering Objects Out of the Pipeline
And more..
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