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Cupón Udemy: Public Relations: Speak Effectively at Press Conferences – Udemy Coupon

Public Relations: Develop the public speaking and media training skills you need to master this presentation format Idioma English Descripción Public Relations depends on speaking effectively to the news media. Imagine yourself speaking at a press conference with total confidence, and the media are there in… Leer más »Cupón Udemy: Public Relations: Speak Effectively at Press Conferences – Udemy Coupon

Cupón Udemy: Universidad Java – De Cero a Experto – Más Completo +106 hrs – Udemy Coupon

El mejor curso de Java, POO, JDBC, Servlets, JavaEE, Web Services, JSF, EJB, JPA, PrimeFaces, Hibernate, Spring, Struts! Idioma Spanish Descripción ¡El Mejor y más completo curso de Java en todo Udemy! . Incluye +106 horas de video, +220,000 estudiantes, +36,000 reseñas de alumnos muy satisfechos.… Leer más »Cupón Udemy: Universidad Java – De Cero a Experto – Más Completo +106 hrs – Udemy Coupon

Udemy Gratis: Curso Express: Modelado Renderizado 3D en Sketchup V-ray – Udemy Free

Un curso de 2 horas en el que se va a aprender las herramientas para modelar en 3D y renderizar imágenes fotorealistas Idioma Spanish Descripción En el Curso Express: Modelado Renderizado 3D en Sketchup V-ray vamos a explicar las herramientas basicas de Sketchup y Vray… Leer más »Udemy Gratis: Curso Express: Modelado Renderizado 3D en Sketchup V-ray – Udemy Free

Cupón Udemy: Python for OOP: The A-to-Z OOP Python Programming Course – Udemy Coupon

Learn Python OOP and Improve Your Python Programming Skills by Writing Code That Is Readable, Modular, and Reusable Idioma English Descripción Object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python is important for any software developer because it has a wide usage in the industry. It is a course… Leer más »Cupón Udemy: Python for OOP: The A-to-Z OOP Python Programming Course – Udemy Coupon

Cupón Udemy: The Complete Microsoft SQL Server Course: From A to Z – Udemy Coupon

A thorough guide to writing SQL queries in Microsoft SQL Server Idioma English Descripción Databases are crucial in the typical software development process, and developers use SQL (Structural Query Language) to communicate with databases. Released in 1989, Microsoft SQL Server is one of the most… Leer más »Cupón Udemy: The Complete Microsoft SQL Server Course: From A to Z – Udemy Coupon

Cupón Udemy: Python for Deep Learning: Build Neural Networks in Python – Udemy Coupon

Complete Deep Learning Course to Master Data science, Tensorflow, Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Networks Idioma English Descripción Python is famed as one of the best programming languages for its flexibility. It works in almost all fields, from web development to developing financial applications. However, it’s… Leer más »Cupón Udemy: Python for Deep Learning: Build Neural Networks in Python – Udemy Coupon

Udemy Gratis: Java Fundamentals for Beginners – Udemy Free

Learn Java Fundamentals In This Course And Become a Java Computer Programmer. Idioma English Descripción Java is one of the most popular and widely-used programming languages in the world. It is supported by billions of devices. Whether you are interested in client-based, server-side, Android, or… Leer más »Udemy Gratis: Java Fundamentals for Beginners – Udemy Free

Udemy Gratis: XML | Short Course | Step by Step for Beginners – Udemy Free

DOM, Namespace, XPath, XSLT, XSD | learn XML basics from scratch | useful in API Testing OR any XML based projects Idioma English Descripción This course is created for complete beginners.  Get started with XML step by step This course is created for complete beginners.… Leer más »Udemy Gratis: XML | Short Course | Step by Step for Beginners – Udemy Free

Udemy Gratis: OOP in Python 3 for Machine Learning Beginners 2021 – Udemy Free

Python OOP Simplified: Learn Object Oriented Programming using Python in a way that you really understand Idioma English Descripción Python is one of the most sought after programming language. This course will teach you Object Oriented Programming, using Python as the programming language. You need… Leer más »Udemy Gratis: OOP in Python 3 for Machine Learning Beginners 2021 – Udemy Free